Freehold Township to continue shared services agreements with other communities

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – The Township Committee has entered into a series of shared services agreements with nearby municipalities.

With Freehold Borough, Freehold Township will continue to provide information technology services, licensed treatment plant operational services for Freehold Borough water/sewer utilities, and Schibanoff Road commuter parking lot permits to Freehold Borough residents.

With Manalapan, Freehold Township will continue to provide information technology services.

With Farmingdale, Freehold Township will provide licensed operational services for Famingdale water/sewer utilities.

With Keyport, Freehold Township will continue to provide information technology services and licensed operational services for Keyport water/sewer utilities.

With Aberdeen Township, Freehold Township will continue to provide licensed operational services for Aberdeen water/sewer utilities.

With Bay Head, Freehold Township will continue to provide information technology services.

Committee members also authorized the execution of a shared services agreement with the Manasquan River Regional Sewerage Authority for automotive services and information technology services.

Additionally, committee members authorized shared services agreements with the Fire District No. 1 Board of Fire Commissioners and the Fire District No. 2 Board of Fire Commissioners for the hiring of four part-time fire prevention training specialists.

According to a resolution, commissioners from the two fire districts have agreed to pay $8,333 toward the base salary of $15 per hour for each employee to serve as fire prevention training specialists during 2019. The funds may also be used to obtain training materials.

The resolution states that the commissioners recognize a need for education in the area of fire prevention and that combining funds will enable the commissioners to educate seniors and young people in the area of fire prevention.

Finally, the committee approved the submission of a grant application and the execution of a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the first phase of a project on Iron Bridge Road.