South River Council approves resolution seeking grant funding for street

SOUTH RIVER – The South River Borough Council has authorized the submission of a grant application to fund improvements for Albourne Street.

“There are significant problems on Albourne Street between Devoe and Wilbur streets, such as consistent water ponding and extensive damaged paving,” Borough Administrator Jack Layne said.

On Nov. 19, council members passed a resolution authorizing the borough to submit a grant application to and execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) for the project.

“The borough is requesting the DOT to provide approximately $880,000 in funding,” Layne said, explaining that the work will include pavement reconstruction, the installation of ramps for handicap accessibility and drainage improvements.

Layne said borough officials will find out next spring or summer if the funds will be forthcoming from the state.

In other business, council members passed a resolution denouncing bigotry and hate, and supporting the “Stand Up For The Other Pledge.”

On Oct. 27, a gunman shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire inside the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, killing 11 people and wounding six others, according to the council. It marked the largest attack against Jewish people on American soil in the history of the nation.

In the resolution, council members said they oppose such bigotry and violence against any and all people, in all forms.

“The Stand Up For The Other Pledge” is promoted by the nonpartisan New Jersey Interfaith Coalition and reflects the values of the community to challenge bigotry aimed at members of other communities by speaking up, according to the council.

The council will take the pledge, which states that “while interacting with members of my own faith, or ethnic, or gender community, or with others, if I hear hateful comments from anyone about members of any other community, I pledge to stand up for the other and speak up to challenge bigotry in any form.”

Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].