Girl Scouts help to feed the hungry at St. Peter’s Church

The young ladies of Manalapan Girl Scout Senior Troop 1798 and Junior Troop 1790 came together recently to cook a meal and serve individuals in need at St. Peter’s Church, Freehold Borough.

The girls’ leader, Betty Pylarinos, along with Sami and Abby Pylarinos, prepared and cooked 16 meatloaves on the night of Nov. 8, according to a press release.

On Nov. 9, Natalia Koremba, Samantha Lonseth, Amy Johnston, Rosie Wolf, Sami Pylarinos, Abby Pylarinos, Rayna Mellin, Cayla Fox and Adalyn Hurd prepared and cooked mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and homemade corn muffins.

The girls brought the food St. Peter’s Church and served approximately 60 people between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. After dinner, the girls made to-go packages for the individuals who had dined at the church, and then cleaned up by doing dishes, vacuuming and clearing the tables.

The Girl Scouts enjoyed the experience of serving others.

“I met some gracious people while volunteering. They were all appreciative and thanked us all. I’m thankful to have had this opportunity to help those less fortunate,” said Rosie Wolf, 14.

“Cooking and serving food for those in need was an experience that gave me insight into the unspoken world of the hungry. These individuals were so thankful to receive a hot
meal,” said Natalia Koremba, 14.

“If I had to choose between feeding those in need or going out to eat, I would choose feeding those in need,” said Adalyn Hurd, 10.

“I can’t believe how many times they told us thank you. Everyone was so nice. I would definitely do this again,” said Abby Pylarinos, 10.