County clerk honors winners of photography contest

At the Monmouth County clerk’s 23rd annual Archives and History Day, Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon honored the first, second and third place winners of the second annual High School Archives and History Day Photography Contest.

All high school students who reside or attend school in Monmouth County were
encouraged to enter the contest by submitting a photograph of a historic building in
the county, according to a press release.

“I was impressed by the creativity and attention to detail displayed in this year’s
photography contest entries,” Hanlon said. “Each student was able to spotlight a
different historic building and celebrate our county’s rich past. The committee had
a difficult time choosing winners from so many wonderful submissions.”

The first place winner, Claire Dodge, is a sophomore at Henry Hudson Regional High School, Highlands. She received a $150 gift card for her entry.

Claire’s photograph depicted the Strauss Mansion, which was constructed atop East Mount Avenue in Atlantic Highlands in 1893 by New York City merchant Adolph Strauss. The home is now a local history museum and the headquarters of the Atlantic Highlands Historical
Society, according to the press release.

The second place winner, Tiffany Lee, is a freshman at Marlboro High School. She received a $100 gift card prize. Tiffany’s photograph displayed the Craig House at Monmouth Battlefield, Freehold Township. The home served as a temporary field hospital for the British during the Battle of Monmouth in June 1778.

The third place winner, Jordyn Pfeffer, is a freshman at Manalapan High School. She received a $50 gift card prize. Jordyn photographed the Old Tennent Presbyterian
Church, Manalapan, which served as a hospital for wounded soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth.