Jamesburg Presbyterian Church schedules holiday events

The Jamesburg Presbyterian Church Food Cupboard provides food to approximately 100 families in Jamesburg, Monroe and Helmetta. The Food Cupboard needs donations of turkeys and chickens for the Dec. 15 food distribution to the needy, as well as donations of other foods that would go well with a traditional Christmas dinner.

The church will also be wrapping gifts to give to needy children on Dec. 12. Any donations of tape and gift wrapping paper would be greatly appreciated. 

The church is located at 175 Gatzmer Ave., Jamesburg. Call the church office for donation times at 732-521-1711.

Also, Lunch with Santa will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Dec. 15. In addition to hot dogs, chips and a beverage, children will also get their picture taken with Santa and they can enjoy a free exhibit of the Jersey Central N’Trak Model Railroad Club all for $5 a person. RSVP by calling the church office.