WHH-Communities of Light brightens East Windsor

Domestic violence and those who perpetrate it on women, children and men are not welcome in East Windsor Township.

That’s the message delivered by supporters of Womanspace at the annual Communities of Light fundraiser in East Windsor Township, held Monday night at the East Windsor Township Municipal Building.

Communities of Light is Womanspace’s signature fundraising event. Money generated by the sale of luminary kits – six candles and bags in which to put them – is used to support counseling and other services provided by the nonprofit group.

And to bring home the point of the candles, which symbolically shine a light on domestic violence, the East Windsor Township Municipal Building was surrounded by 500 candles from luminary kits.

As dusk fell, Mayor Janice S. Mironov welcomed the attendees, which included Womanspace board members, East Windsor Township police officers, township residents and Peddie School students.

The purpose of Communities of Light is multi-faceted, Mayor Mironov said. It is to raise money for the good works that Womanspace provides to victims of domestic violence, and also to raise awareness of the issue of domestic violence, she said.

Mayor Mironov said that while she wishes that domestic violence would be “a stranger to our community,” the truth is that it is not. It exists in East Windsor Township, regardless of educational levels and socio-economic levels.

“The basic reality is that we need to recognize, as a community, that we want to address it,” she said. The community wants to help victims and improve their situation, and that’s why raising money to support Womanspace is an important goal.

“The other really important goal is to raise awareness. We want to provide a light and hope to people who find themselves in that situation. You never want to find yourself in that situation, where you feel stuck and you cannot get out of it,” she said.

The victims often do not know that there are options, but Womanspace is there to provide them with options, Mayor Mironov said. East Windsor Township has been proactive in that respect, having formed the first Domestic Violence Victims Response Team in conjunction with the agency, she said.

Turning to the Peddie School students, Mayor Mironov thanked them for their help and support in setting out candles outside the Municipal Building. It shows that they care about the community, she said.

Mayor Mironov also thanked the Police Department, whose officers have shown great interest and caring for the victims. The Domestic Violence Victims Response Team, which was developed with their help, is a model for similar efforts statewide, she said.

East Windsor Township Council also has been supportive of Womanspace and Communities of Light, Mayor Mironov said, adding that “it speaks very loudly that this is something important to them.”

The Womanspace volunteers who were in the audience also received thanks from Mayor Mironov, who pointed out that they volunteer their time “day in and day out” to help, support and comfort the victims.

Salim Manzar, who serves on Womanspace’s board of directors, thanked East Windsor Township for its support and for making the 17th annual Communities of Light fundraiser so successful.

Womanspace is “very grateful” to East Windsor Township Council for focusing on the plight of victims and for the good works of the community, Manzar said.

East Windsor Township is one of the best partners that Womanspace has, he said, adding that the Police Department is the best one with whom it has worked.

Then, Mayor Mironov and Peddie School student Owen O’Neill ceremonially lighted the first luminary candle on a desk inside the Municipal Building.