Letter: Resident appreciates support in school election

To the Editor:

I am so excited that I will be a member of the Hillsborough Township Public Schools Board of Education. I am grateful for the support that so many people have given me and I appreciate the variety of valuable input submitted by so many people.

The education of our students affects all Hillsborough residents in many ways, ranging from investing in the present and future of fellow members of our Hillsborough community, to the impact on our taxes. All perspectives matter and the more varied the better.

I look forward to serving our community, especially our students. I have enjoyed serving them as a teacher and a volunteer, and I am eager to serve them in this new capacity working alongside excellent colleagues on the school board.

Hillsborough’s schools are wonderful, and, hopefully, many of the organizations in Hillsborough will continue to collaborate to create a wonderful learning and living environment for the children of our community.

Jane M. Staats