New town clerk appointed in Princeton

By Philip Sean Curran
Staff Writer

A municipal employee was promoted to become the town clerk of Princeton starting next year.

Delores A. Williams, the current deputy clerk, was tabbed to replace clerk Kathleen Brzezynski, who is retiring at the end of December. The Princeton Council voted on Dec. 3 to give her a three-year-term that will start on Jan. 1.

“I think everyone is really happy and excited about and thankful that such a competent person was waiting in the wings,” Council President Jenny Crumiller said during the Council meeting before voting with the rest of the governing body to appoint Williams.

Her salary information was not immediately available.

Williams said on Dec.12 that she was thankful to Mayor Liz Lempert, the Council and town Administrator Marc D. Dashield for giving her the opportunity to replace Brzezynski.

Williams will be the third municipal clerk Princeton has had since the old Borough and Township merged into one town beginning in 2013.

Linda McDermott retired in December of 2016, and Brzezynski, her deputy, was named to replace her. The town followed the same pattern with replacing Brzezynski with her deputy.

For her part, Brzezynski said on Dec. 13 that the clerk’s office would be in good hands with Williams in charge.

“I’m so happy for her,” Brzezynski said. “She deserves it.”

Williams previously worked in the former Borough and joined the staff in the consolidated municipality. She received accolades from one past town official.

“I think she’s great, knows the town, knows the people, works well with people,” said former Borough Councilman Roger Martindell on Dec.13 reacting to her promotion. “She’ll be an excellent municipal clerk.”

Williams is no stranger to running a clerk’s office. Former Borough Councilman Kevin Wilkes on Dec.13 recalled how Williams led the clerk’s office in the borough after then-Clerk Andrea Quinty retired at the end of 2011.

“And Delores was very helpful to (administrator) Bob Bruschi in the wrapping up of the Borough’s affairs before consolidation,” he said. “Delores has worked hard for the municipality for many years, and I’m convinced she’ll do a great job.”

Williams’ promotion creates a new vacancy of deputy clerk that Dashield said on Dec. 12 that the town would fill.