Freehold council salutes temple’s executive director

FREEHOLD – Members of the Borough Council have passed a resolution honoring Marvin Krakower upon his retirement as the executive director of the Freehold Jewish Center, Broad Street, Freehold Borough.

Krakower was named the education director of the synagogue in 1997. The resolution states he built a strong foundation for students by creating family programs and activities.

In 2000, he was named executive director and held that position until his retirement this year. In that role, Krakower concentrated on improving all aspects of the synagogue’s building, thus providing an appealing atmosphere in which members pray and socialize, according to the resolution.

“The mayor and council honor and congratulate Marvin Krakower on his retirement and very sincerely thank him for his unselfish service to the youths and adults who continue to benefit from the programs provided at the Freehold Jewish Center,” the resolution reads. “Krakower is blessed with four children and eight grandchildren and will now enjoy spending more time with his family and friends and is wished all the best in his future endeavors.”

Krakower, a native of Brooklyn, N.Y., was a teacher and an administrator in the Carteret School District for 30 years. He was a member of the Township Committee in Jackson and served as mayor for one year. He also served on the Jackson School District Board of Education.

Krakower served as a religious school principal at Congregation Beth Ohr, Old Bridge, Temple Emmanuel, Edison, and Congregation Ahavat Shalom, Lakewood, and as a youth director at the East Brunswick Jewish Center.