Florence police surprise family whose gifts were stolen before the holidays

After a family had their automobile stolen on Dec. 22 at a Florence Township convenience store with their holiday gifts stored within it, the township police department decided to step up and surprise them on Christmas Eve.

Just days before Christmas, a local family was the victim of a crime that left them and the family’s granddaughter without any gifts for the upcoming holiday.

As the township police worked to field the report and investigate the incident, they wanted to find a way to reach out to the local family as well.

“A family from Florence Township had the unfortunate experience of having their vehicle stolen while parked in front of the Quick Stop,” Florence police chief Brian Boldizar said in a statement. “To make this experience even worse, the family had most of their Christmas gifts inside of the vehicle. Our officers were called to the Quick Stop and began investigating the situation.”

Police officials said that they were able to identify the suspect who stole the vehicle through witness statements and surveillance videos, and charges were filed, but the suspect remains at large.

As the police department continues to track down the suspect, they came together just before the holiday given the circumstances to surprise this family with gifts and holiday cheer along with help from local businesses and organizations.

“During this time when most families are preparing to celebrate Christmas, this family not only had to figure out how they were going to get from place to place without a vehicle, they also had to figure out how they were going to get Christmas gifts for their family,” Boldizar said. “Knowing this, our officers started putting their money together over the past two days, along with a donation from the Florence Township Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 210, and began shopping for gifts.

“After hearing about this incident, B&H Photo also donated an I-Pad to include as a gift. One of the officers told his young daughters what had happened, and each of them decided to donate one of their Christmas gifts to the family,” he added.

On Christmas Eve night, the township police arrived at the victim’s house with Santa to deliver the gifts much to the family’s delight.

Boldizar said that most of the officers who delivered the gifts were off duty and came in on Christmas Eve, “to make this family’s Christmas a special one.”

Although the police department went above and beyond their call of duty to aid a local family, Boldizar said that he and his officers not only work to protect the community, but to lend a helping hand to anyone in need as well.

“I feel that it is very important that you know what your community’s police officers are doing out there and to acknowledge the work of these officers,” Boldizar said. “This job is a lot more than just writing tickets and arresting people. It is about taking care of our community. While that is a part of taking care of the community, so are doing things like they did tonight.”

As the effort from the Florence police served as a significant moment of giving in the spirit of the holiday season, Boldizar noted that it reflects the continuous work he and his department put in day after day whether it’s in the office or out in the field.

“I feel privileged to be the chief of police of such a great organization and community,” Boldizar said.  “Everyone from the command staff, to the officers, to the administrative staff put 100 percent into their job and it shows.”

Police officials said they are still on the lookout for the vehicle, which is reported to be a black 2008 Mercury Mariner with a New Jersey license plate number M79-HUV.