Nardini elected president of Toms River school board

In the new year, change has come to the Toms River Regional School District Board of Education.

Former Ocean County Superior Court Assignment Judge Vincent J. Grasso administered the oath of office to Joe Nardini, Jennifer Howe and Anna Polozzo, who were sworn in to begin serving three-year terms on the nine-member board during a reorganization meeting on Jan. 2.

Nardini began serving his second three-year term and was elected president of the board in a unanimous vote.

Russell Corby was elected vice president, with board member Ginny Rhine voting “no” on Corby’s nomination without comment.

Howe and Polozzo were sworn in to begin serving their first terms. Nardini and Howe were elected as representatives of Toms River and Polozzo was elected as a representative of South Toms River.

In his remarks, Nardini said, “It is huge that the board had the faith in me to take on this position. It is a very big position. I watched President Corby last year. He will be a hard act to follow. I intend to put in countless hours. I love this district and I have a vested interest to make sure things get done.”

Nardini said the biggest issue he wants to tackle in 2019 is state funding. Changes in the law last summer have the school district facing a loss of state aid.

Howe said she wants to get a lot of things accomplished. She said the first item on her list is securing passage of a proposed $147 million construction referendum. Voters will have their say on the spending plan in a special election on Jan. 22.

“Getting our schools up to date, keeping sports and making sure the arts stay are a few other priorities. I want to help keep the district going strong,” Howe said. “I feel I did this for the right reasons. I am hoping to be a good voice for the town and the community.”

Polozzo said district administrators need to be more transparent than they have been in the past.

“I hope to bring all parties together and let the parents have a say. As a parent myself, one of the major issues I had was not knowing what was really going on with the district,” she said.

Polozzo said she wants to help children of all levels succeed and hopes the board can improve the schools.