Authority over development is with the people

Quo Warranto – Who gave them the authority?
The building project by HD Summerhill LLC slated for Old Stage and Summerhill roads is moving ahead while the public – we the people, the taxpayers, the citizenry – is opposed. All the council people and mayors are sworn in with the words “Under The Authority Of The People.” The authority comes from the people. The people have definitively made it known that we are against this project. was initiated to defeat this project. The authority is with the people. Apparently, those elected representatives ignored the will of the people, the common good. This building project will not enhance the community; it only does damage. Over-development is no good. The roads cannot absorb the increased traffic; the schools, the hospitals, the businesses. Flooding, water main breaks have occurred at those corners. At that site are many traffic accidents currently; with this over-development there will be more.
Quo Warranto – The authority which was vested with the elected representatives went to the invaders of our community property, and the invaders will employ this corrupted authority to have only their way, only what they want.
Cheryl G. Bass