New multi-way stop signs are now near Metuchen YMCA

METUCHEN – New multi-way stop signs have been installed at the intersections of High Street and Graham Avenue and High Street and Honey Court.

The Metuchen Borough Council approved the stop signs by amending an ordinance for multi-way stop intersections at a meeting on Jan. 14.

Council President Linda Koskoski said she is 100 percent on board with the amended ordinance.

“The stretch between Graham Avenue and Thomas Street before the YMCA is like a raceway,” she said. “It’s so narrow there and I’m happy we are taking calming measures [for the area].”

Koskoski said she urges the Borough’s Traffic and Transportation Committee and the borough’s engineer to continue looking at intersections, which may cause safety concerns. She said this includes Pearl and New streets.

Mayor Jonathan Busch said within the past year, the township has put up stop signs at Brunswick and Lake avenues.

“The police have worked hard with residents to help educate [the multi-way stop intersection],” he said, adding there will be similar education measures with the new multiway stop.

Borough Administrator Jay Muldoon said Police Officer Rob Ring, the department’s traffic safety officer, will also be going door to door so residents in the immediate area know about the new changes.