With lawsuit pending, former Red Bank employee appointed to housing board

RED BANK – Although she is suing Red Bank for discrimination and harassment, Memone Crystian, who is the borough’s former parks and recreation director, has been appointed to a five-year volunteer position to the Red Bank Housing Authority.

Borough Attorney Greg Cannon and attorney Theodore Campbell, who represents Crystian in her legal action, said serving on a public entity while in the midst of litigation with a municipality is permitted.

“It happens all the time,” Cannon said.

Campbell said he “does not see a conflict” with his client’s willingness to participate on a volunteer board in the community.

“This (appointment) has a lot to do with (Crystian’s) desire to help the poor. The volunteer position is affiliated” with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), he said.

“The position is not the town’s jurisdiction. The Borough Council appoints members, but this is a community organization that is federally supervised by HUD,” Campbell said.

According to the organization’s website, HUD provides public housing as affordable apartments for low-income families, the elderly and individuals who have a disability.

Crystian has declined to discuss the legal action she is pursuing against the borough or her position on the housing authority. She was appointed on Jan. 1 during the municipality’s annual reorganization meeting.

According to the lawsuit filed in May 2017, Crystian was hired in April 2010 as the parks and recreation director. Her employment was terminated in May 2015 “after years of being subjected to a hostile work environment generated by her supervisors,” according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit claims former borough employees, officials and other defendants “engaged in calculated negative actions and conduct toward (Crystian) throughout her tenure to create stress, anxiety and her ultimate failure, thus prompting Crystian’s constructive termination. … Their actions were motivated by her race and gender as an African American female.”

During a Borough Council meeting on Jan. 23, resident Sean DiSomma brought the matter of Crystian’s appointment to the attention of the governing body when he asked how appointments work.

“The process has been the same since this town was founded in 1908,” Mayor Pasquale Menna said. “Collectively, the governing body makes those recommendations.”

“Who put forth Memone Crystian?” DiSomma continued.

Menna said each member of the council voted to appoint Crystian to the housing authority.

“That’s troubling. She is suing the borough,” DiSomma said. “So while you are in the middle of litigation, you are going to appoint her. (The appointment) is kind of troubling while many of you are out partying with and appointing people who are accused of saying horrible, racist things to her … The entire governing body which is going to be making a decision on how to handle her litigation put forth her name” for the appointment.

Menna said he was unaware if any council members have a personal relationship with Crystian. He said he would provide DiSomma with the appropriate answers to his questions at a later date.