Objector to asphalt plant will continue case before Howell zoning board

HOWELL – An application that proposes the development of an asphalt manufacturing facility continues to roll on in Howell.

The most recent hearing concerning L&L Paving’s plan to remove an existing concrete manufacturing facility and develop an asphalt manufacturing facility at 89 Yellowbrook Road took place on Feb. 4 before the Howell Zoning Board of Adjustment.

The owners of L&L Paving are seeking a use variance from the zoning board in order to proceed with their plan. Testimony is expected to resume on March 4. Stavola Leasing is objecting to the L&L Paving application.

On Feb. 4, attorney Michael Butler represented L&L Paving and attorney John Paul Doyle represented Stavola Leasing.

Following the conclusion of the applicant’s case, Doyle began the objector’s case by calling George W. Thompson to testify. Thompson was referred to an an asphalt specialist.

By way of establishing his credentials, Thompson said his father owned an asphalt plant on Staten Island, N.Y., and he said worked at the plant in various capacities.

Thompson said he later worked as president of Tilcon New Jersey, which operates asphalt plants and quarries in northern New Jersey. He left that job in 1997 to become CEO of Dell Contractors.

Tilcon purchased Dell Contractors and Thompson became vice president of construction and sales for Tilcon until 2001, when he became president of the new reconstituted Tilcon. Thompson said the company produced millions of tons of asphalt each year.

Thompson retired in 2015 after spending years in the asphalt and recycling businesses, including experience in trucking.

Under questioning from Butler, Thompson said he had been hired by Stavola Management and was being compensated for his time.

Additional testimony from Thompson is expected on March 4. Doyle said he will present witnesses who will discuss noise, traffic and planning issues related to the L&L Paving application.

Earlier in the meeting, Doyle cross-examined planner Christine Cofone, who had testified on behalf of L&L Paving. Their exchange centered on the number and type of various manufacturing plants in Howell, as well as on uses in Howell’s special economic development zone.

Cofone testified that board members could examine L&L Paving’s property and understand there is a concrete manufacturing plant on it in order to substantiate site suitability as an asphalt manufacturing site.