Fashion show to provide scholarships returns to Cranbury

The Fashion Show, a fundraiser sponsored by the Women’s Club of Cranbury, will return  to Cranbury and it will be staged in April.

According to the Women’s Club of Cranbury, the fashion show is an event to help raise funds for the club’s scholarship fund.

The show will be performed on April 25 at St. David’s Episcopal Church, on 90 S Main St. The event will begin at 7 p.m.

“Years ago the Woman’s Club often had fashion shows. This is the first one in recent years,” said Audrey Smith, who is Chairwoman of the Ways and Means Committee for the Woman’s Club.

She said the Ways and Means Committee is working on the fashion show that takes place in the spring.

“This year, the Woman’s Club will award two $2,000 scholarships,” Smith said. “One will be for a graduating high school student from Cranbury who is going on with his/her education and the other will be for a woman from Middlesex or Mercer County who is returning to her education after a break from it.”

She said there are two Scholarship Committees.

“One reviews applications and names a recipient for the high school student scholarship and the other for the woman’s scholarship,” Smith said. “The recipients are notified in May and the awards are presented at our club’s annual meeting and dinner in May. The recipients and their families are invited to attend.”

The models for the fashion show will be members of the Woman’s Club.

“We are excited to hold this event and are pleased to have Woman’s Club member and owner of Highbar Boutique, Jill Wargo present the fashions. It promises to be a fun evening with door prizes, favors, delicious refreshments and beverages,” she said.

The tickets to the show will be $30 each.

People will be able to purchase tickets at Highbar Boutique, that is on 33 N. Main St. Residents will also be able send a check, payable to the Woman’s Club of Cranbury.

For more information about the show, contact the Woman’s Club of Cranbury at