Dr. Saphier leads trial to improve care for brain bleeds

Every year in the United States, approximately 120,000 people experience hemorrhagic strokes, commonly referred to as brain bleeds. Only 50 percent survive. Of those who do, two-thirds are left with lasting physical or cognitive deficits. Despite these statistics, the majority of neurosurgeons continue to follow the status quo for treatment.

Dr. Paul Saphier, a board-certified neurosurgeon and stroke specialist at Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) in Morristown, is helping spearhead an effort to advance what the medical community considers the best medical treatment for hemorrhagic strokes, and improve outcomes for patients.

“We owe it to patients – and to ourselves as medical professionals – to do better,” Saphier said.

Saphier is the lead principal investigator in New Jersey for a global clinical trial – coined the MIND (Minimally Invasive Neuro Evacuation Device) Trial – whose objective is to compare the efficacy of new Artemis technology with the current standard of care for removing large, historically lethal brain bleeds.

ANS is the only neurosurgical practice in the state selected to participate in the study.

“That’s typically where the care ends,” Saphier said. “Over the past 50 or 60 years, neurosurgeons have not operated on intracranial hemorrhages because research hasn’t supported the case for doing so. However, we will continue to see high mortality and disability rates if we don’t take steps forward to strategically study new surgical therapies that could ultimately save and improve lives.”

Using sophisticated imaging and technology, the Artemis device facilitates S.E.E.I.N.G. (Surgical Endoscopic Evacuation of Intracranial Hemorrhage with Neuro-navigational Guidance), a procedure whereby surgeons evacuate large brain hemorrhages through very small incisions in the skull. This allows effective treatment of the most dangerous brain hemorrhages without exposing patients to the risks of an open surgical procedure. Saphier and his colleagues at ANS have used Artemis technology on approximately 100 patients since its approval by the FDA.

While Saphier cautions the treatment is not suited for all brain bleed patients, he said many of the outcomes he has seen have been promising.

“There have been several cases where, using Artemis, I successfully removed brain bleeds from patients in near-fatal conditions and saw them recover 100 percent,” he said. “We are hopeful the clinical trial will reinforce cases like these. By gathering data and examining real-life results of surgically sound, progressive treatment options, we will lead the way toward raising the bar for patient outcomes and saving more lives.”

For more information about this new, minimally invasive treatment option for brain bleeds and to inquire if you, a loved one or a patient is a possible candidate for the MIND clinical trial, call 833-SEEING1 (833-733-4641).

Atlantic NeuroSurgical Specialists (ANS) is New Jersey’s largest neurosurgical practice and one of the most advanced in the country. Since its founding in 1958, ANS has specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the nervous system. For more information, visit