WiseMind helps develop skills for changing times

WiseMind Center for Social and Emotional Learning is an exciting business in Metuchen which is having a positive impact on local families. If you’ve never heard the acronym SEL (Social Emotional Learning), you certainly will soon. SEL is about helping children develop a range of valuable skills they need for school and life. These tools will benefit students in the classroom, in the community and in higher education and careers.

WiseMind teaches students to notice, label, and manage their different emotions and physical states. This skill of “self-regulation” is at the heart of all of our offerings/classes, including mindfulness, social skills and executive functioning. We are earnest about helping kids build a higher awareness of themselves, of others, and of their experiences. These classes aim to slow down this vital time in kids’ lives, so that they can build frameworks for mastery going forward.

Classes are offered at convenient times and include focused lessons, group discussion, and fun activities or games that incorporate the skill/theme of the week. We model, practice and coach the kids in the skills of each weekly topic, and we conclude with an experiential exercise such as a mindfulness meditation, or a wrap-up that gives them something to be mindful of throughout the week, and tools to manage their own nervous system.

WiseMind also offers unique learning opportunities such as parent classes, workshops, and outside events that allow children and families to practice the skills they’ve learned. Check out classes at WiseMindSEL.com or call 732-689-5213 for more information.