Letter to the Editor: Take advantage of ‘Have Your Say Hopewell’

To the Editor:

The Hopewell Township Committee is committed to open and transparent governance. To that end, the township website has a library of documents and recordings that are accessible to the public.

You can find the video recordings of meetings, meeting minutes from our boards and commissions, Request for Proposals, budget documents, zoning and construction documents and all the ordinances and resolutions that have been passed, or have been presented to the committee for consideration.

Recently, we’ve been getting some questions at Township Committee meetings that could be quickly answered by looking on our website. The website is available 24/7 so that our residents have access to information when they need it.

In addition to this library of online information, we also have been using a tool, “Have Your Say Hopewell,” which helps us gather information from our residents.

This community engagement tool has been used to help us collect data on the service residents receive from the Pennington post office. The results were sent to the offices of Congresswoman Watson – Coleman, Senator Shirley Turner, Assemblywoman Reynolds- Jackson, Assemblyman Verrelli as well as the Postmaster of the Pennington Post Office.

We are using the tool to collect information about the spread of the emerald ash borer, and the locations of the ash trees which will be affected by this invasive pest.

Currently, we have a new survey on the site which will help us understand how our residents use our preserved open spaces. This survey will run until April 30 and will help us as we revise our Open Space and Recreation Plan.

In addition to all of these functions, residents can report the location of potholes online, which helps our public works department and everyone who drives that road. Residents can also sign up for bulky waste pick up, register for Swift 911, pay their property taxes and register for programs through our Recreation Department. This is not an exhaustive list of all the features of the website, rather a demonstration of how varied the functionality of the website has become.

One additional item on the website is the Township Newsletter. We presented the first edition of the Town Crier last fall. Look for the next edition in your mailboxes in the spring.

This letter reflects my thoughts – not those of the full committee.

Kristin McLaughlin
Township of Hopewell