Local municipalities receive funding for roadway preservation projects

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded approximately $4.3 million to municipalities in the 14th Legislative District through the Fiscal Year 2019 Municipal Aid Program.

Area projects include $472,200 for Phase II Oakland Road, Lake Street (lake side) and Ridgeview Road in Jamesburg; $557,200 for pedestrian and roadway improvements to Schoolhouse Road in Monroe; and $542,200 for improvements to Adirondack Avenue in Spotswood.

The DOT Municipal Aid Grant Program provides grant funds to municipalities who are advancing projects that enhance safety, renew aging infrastructure and support the state’s economy with new transportation opportunities.

Municipalities can apply for projects for municipal aid within the categories of bikeway, bridge preservation, mobility, pedestrian safety, quality of life, roadway preservation and roadway safety.

“I am thrilled to see the 14th Legislative District receive funding for these critical transportation projects,” said Assemblyman Daniel Benson (D-Mercer, Middlesex), who is also chair of the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee. “After years of underfunding, DOT is continuing along a track to fund more local projects and improve our roadways around the state.”