Cranbury Lions Club will present Stan Thomas Community Service Award


For just under two decades, the Cranbury Lions Club has recognized local students who have pursued acts of service and leadership.

The organization honors those students with the annual Stan Thomas Community Service Award, which was established in 2002.

The award is for Cranbury students who have undertaken community service in a range of areas that include volunteering, leadership and virtues of service, according to club officials.

“Stan Thomas was a very fine person, who was liked by everybody. He devoted a great deal of time to service. I think the award to be given to an individual or individuals demonstrates a commitment to the same ideals of service that Stan had,” said Jeff Grundy, chairman of the Lions Club Student Affairs Committee.

The award was named after Thomas, who passed away on Sept. 2, 2001. He was a life-long resident of Cranbury, who shared his time and energy, with volunteer organizations in Cranbury that included, the Lions Club, Boy Scout Troop 52  and his church, according to club officials.

“We think this award is very important. It represents the value of service to the community, which is one of the club’s values. Somebody who has served the community is a great example for others. This award lets people know the Lions Club believes and values community service,” he said.

According to club officials, the award will be given to two students this year.

People and residents who want to nominate a Cranbury student for this award must do so by April 15, as well as, students who are applying for the award themselves. Students are only eligible if they reside in town, according to officials.

Students who apply can be male or female, but must be between the age of 12 and 18. They must be able to show examples of their community service, officials said.

Students can be nominated as well by anyone. The final candidates for this award will be chosen by the Scholarship and Award Selection Committee, according to club officials.

The Lions Club Board of Directors will approve the final students chosen in May. After that recipients of the award will receive $250 each and have their names displayed on a permanent plaque in the club’s community room with other award winners, officials said.

Grundy said the two students will either be given their awards at a Lions Club meeting or at a ceremony in the Cranbury School.

For more information about the award and the application, visit