Spotswood council introduces ordinance for massage parlor regulations

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council introduced an ordinance that will add new regulations for massage parlor business owners.

The introduced ordinance will add a public nuisance section to the borough code declaring that massage parlors or model studios used for purposes of lewdness, assignations or prostitution are places of public nuisance, according to the council agenda.

“We were informed by our police department that this will help to prevent unlawful business operations and safeguard any illegal sexual acts and/or human trafficking,” Council President Charlie Spicuzzo said.

The council introduced the ordinance on April 1. The second and final reading for the ordinance was scheduled for April 15.

“I believe we only have one massage parlor at this time. This ordinance will help us and the police department control any new businesses that would like to open in town and make sure they are properly licensed by the state and have all the proper certifications,” Spicuzzo said.

It will be unlawful for any person to appear or travel on any street, avenue, highway, road, parking area, park or playground or other public places, or to appear in any store or commercial location in the borough, in any state of nudity, other than in a shower room or changing area, according to the council agenda.

In the event the borough’s director of Public Safety finds that a public nuisance exists with respect to any of the establishments referred to in the new section of the borough code, the officials would follow the procedures set forth in the borough code, issue a Notice of Obscene Material or Action and follow the types of proceedings set forth in the code, according to the council.

After written notice, if any inappropriate activity has not ceased within seven judicial days the borough will take appropriate legal action, according to the council.

Violators will be punished by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for not more than three months, or both, according to the council.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].