Learn how to navigate genealogy for purposes of government documents

The American Jewish Experience Lecture Series, presented by the Jewish Historical Society of Central Jersey, continues for its 22nd consecutive year with a presentation by Steve Stein entitled “Observing the 7th Commandment: Were Your Family Members Telling the Truth to the Government? And Other Inaccuracies.”

Have you ever gotten conflicting information from different sources, even official government documents? Genealogical research often turns up discrepancies, faulty memories, typos, or outright lies. Learn how to recognize and assess these issues, use search strategies to overcome them, and determine which is correct (or live with it).

The lecture will be held at 10 a.m. on May 14 at Jewish Family Services, 52 Concordia Shopping Center, Monroe.

The lecture is open to the public. A donation of $2 is requested at the door.

For more information, call 732-249-4894 or email [email protected].