United Methodist Church to hold Good Friday Choral Service, dedication of new pipe organ

United Methodist Church will hold a Good Friday Choral Service at noon on April 19 at the church, 47 N. Main St., Milltown.

The service will feature readings, meditations and choral works based on the Seven Last Words of Christ. The Schola Cantorum will offer music by Johann Sebastian Bach, Maurice Duruflé, John Stainer and others.

At 4 p.m. April 28, the church will hold its Pipe Organ Dedication Concert. Shea Velloso will be joined by organists Dr. Paul-Martin Maki and Kyle Sheppard in a program of works by Bach, Dietrich Buxtehude, Marcel Dupré, Alexandre Guilmant, Charles Marie Widor and others.

The performance will be followed by a reception.

For more information, visit www.umcmilltown.org.