Central Jersey wealth management firm opens new location

Further stapling itself within the Central Jersey community as well as looking for new ways to grow, RobustWealth, a digital wealth management company, has recently expanded its headquarters.

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the headquarters’ location in Lambertville on April 9 as the firm’s founder and CEO, Mike Kerins, a native of Bucks County in Pennsylvania, was on hand to cut the ribbon and showcase the new facility to locals and employees alike.

By providing digital wealth management platforms for banks, registered investment advisors and other wealth management firms, Kerins has helped nearly quadruple the firm’s size in a little over a year along with its acquisition by global financial firm, Principal Financial Group, last summer.

Given the location’s proximity to Philadelphia and New York in the Central Jersey area, Kerins said he felt there’s an exceptional “talent pool” to recruit employees from.

Kerins said that the 9,000 square-foot addition to the company’s existing space accommodates its growing employee base and estimates RobustWealth as the second largest employer in Lambertville with an emphasis on hiring local as well as welcoming multiple perspectives and diversities to his staff team. Kerins noted that the company is approximately 30% female employees.

“We love to hire local,” he said. “[Lambertville] is a great area and a great community to have this type of company in […] hiring local is important to us.”

Since the company’s inception about four years ago, Kerins explained that the company had humble beginnings as he looked to build RobustWealth, which he reflected upon with the opening of the firm’s new location.

“I always like to remind people where [our company] came from, which was a location under a yoga studio next to a boiler room with no windows,” he said.

Alongside the company’s growth, Kerins said he is focused on developing new ideas and initiatives to further reach out and connect with the surrounding community as well.

“We like to be a part of the community, and the grand opening allows us to bring the community and our representatives in to show the cool work that we’re doing,” he said. “We always come back to, ‘How do we enhance our relationship with the community? How do we show the community the cool stuff that we are doing and also come up with ideas as to how we can give back to the community?’”

This summer, Kerins noted that the company aims to expand by nearly 10% with the addition of summer interns. Students from three local universities, which include Rowan University, The College of New Jersey and Rider University, as well as other universities around the country, will work hands-on with the company’s investment, development, and product management teams to gain knowledge of the industry.

With the expansion of the new office, the company’s officials said they will continue their commitment to local job creation and business development as well as reducing their carbon footprint.

In their efforts to reduce their impact on the environment, the firm has also installed electric car charging ports, as well as taps for still and sparkling water. Along with the taps, the firm has also purchased a fleet of reusable glasses and mugs to reduce plastic and paper waste and continues their recycling programs.

The space is also a high-tech office with 5,000 feet of low voltage wiring, 50,000 linear feet of network cables, and 25 tons of HVAC.

As RobustWealth sets its sights on its continued growth and expansion into the Central Jersey region, Kerins noted that working alongside employees who share his drive and interests have helped the firm reach its goals.

“I get to work with really cool people that also want to do really neat, different things,” he said. “Every day I get to come to work and do stuff I really enjoy, which is disrupting the industry – offer new things or new ways to think about wealth management technology and to do it alongside people who have the same type of passion.”

For people interested in a career opportunity at RobustWealth, they are encouraged to visit their webpage at https://robustwealth.com/robustwealth-careers/.

For more news on RobustWealth, visit robustwealth.com.