Raccoon tests positive for rabies in Monroe


MONROE — A raccoon found in the vicinity of Federal and Perrineville roads recently has tested positive for rabies, the second in both the township and the county this year, according to the Middlesex County Office of Health Services.

On April 7, a Monroe resident noticed that a sickly raccoon wandered into their yard. The raccoon was brought, by the resident, to a wildlife sanctuary in Mercer County where it was then taken to the New Jersey Department of Health Laboratory for testing. It was reported on April 9 that the animal tested positive for rabies, according to the statement.

There were two known human exposures to the raccoon, and they were notified to consult their primary care physician regarding any rabies post exposure treatment, according to the statement.

It is recommended that residents avoid contact with wild animals and immediately report any bites from wild or domestic animals to the local health department and consult a physician as soon as possible. Also, it is recommended to make sure family pets are up-to-date on rabies vaccinations.