Lawrence Hopewell Trail to be honored

The Lawrence Hopewell Trail, which is a bicycle and pedestrian trail that links the two townships, has been named one of seven winners of New Jersey Future’s 2019 Smart Growth Awards.

The Lawrence Hopewell Trail Corp., which is a nonprofit group that promotes walking and bicycling, will be honored at a celebration set for June 5 in Newark. Representatives will pick up the award at the celebration.

New Jersey Future, which was founded in 1987, is a nonprofit group that promotes smart growth and redevelopment efforts. The Smart Growth Award recognizes projects that demonstrate sustainable growth and development.

“We are honored to be the recipient of one of the most coveted awards in New Jersey,” said Becky Taylor, who is a founder and co-president of the Lawrence Hopewell Trail Corp., along with co-president Eleanor Horne.

Taylor credited the current and former members of the Lawrence Hopewell Trail Corp.’s board of directors, elected officials in both Lawrence Township and Hopewell Township and the career staff in both communities with making the trail a reality.

“We thank New Jersey Future for recognizing this unique collaboration that resulted in such a wonderful, practical and sustainable amenity,” Horne said. She added that it is enjoyable to watch people use the trail – whether it is individuals or families.

The 22-mile-long trail was first envisioned in 2000 by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and the Educational Testing Service as a trail that would connect Lawrence and Hopewell townships. The goal was to provide a safe and environmentally sound means of transportation between the two townships, whether on foot or by bicycle.

Of the 22-mile-long trail to date, 19.5 miles of it has been completed. Nearly 7 miles of the 8.6 miles of trail in Hopewell Township have been completed, and 12.5 miles of the 13.4 miles of trail in Lawrence Township have been completed. Less than 3 miles needs to be completed.

The trail attracts about 40,000 users annually – through special events, as well as by residents who use it to commute to their jobs at Bristol-Myers Squibb Corp. or the Educational Testing Service and other businesses near the trail.

The Lawrence Hopewell Trail Corp. does not own any sections of the trail. Instead, it formed partnerships with landowners – both public and private – to build the trail on their property and make it available to pedestrians and bicyclists.

“The best part is that the idea behind the Lawrence Hopewell Trail can be replicated anywhere,” Taylor said, adding that trail backers hope the award will encourage others to create similar trails throughout New Jersey.