Township Committee’s action was misguided

It was very disheartening to see the recent News Transcript article about Township Committee members in Freehold Township passing a resolution to oppose policies to make New Jersey a sanctuary state for undocumented immigrants.

The committee members cited the Immigrant Trust Directive announced by New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal, but they seem to have woefully misinterpreted it.

The Immigrant Trust Directive’s sole purpose is to “strengthen trust between New Jersey law enforcement officers and our diverse immigrant communities.”

Attorney General Grewal further insisted this directive does not imply New Jersey should be a sanctuary state.

Nothing in this directive limits New Jersey law officials from enforcing the law. If someone commits a crime, they will be arrested. It does however, want all, all, New Jersey residents to have trust in their police force and not to worry that the police will become immigration enforcers.

The police will police, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will do what they do, but the line between them has been clearly drawn. They are separate entities.

New Jersey has a diverse and vibrant immigrant population who contribute in many ways to our society. Building a wall across our border, or around our town, or around our hearts is not a winning strategy.

I want to be clear that not all Freehold Township residents support this misguided and intolerant resolution passed by the Township Committee.

Kate Vallee
Freehold Township