Hillsborough community encouraged to participate in Memorial Day activities

In honor of Hillsborough’s military veterans, the township will serve as the host to multiple events and activities on Memorial Day Weekend.

Each year the Hillsborough community honors the service and sacrifice of all veterans during the Annual Salute to Veterans Breakfast, Memorial Day Parade and Garden of Honor Commemoration Program.

The breakfast is scheduled at 8 a.m. and will be held on May 25, rain or shine.

The parade is scheduled at 10:30 am and, as in years past, will be led by the veterans and widows of veterans.

The garden of honor ceremony will immediately follow the parade. Rain date for both the parade and ceremony will be May 26.

“Plans are underway for the 14th annual salute to our veterans,” Hillsborough Township Mayor Frank DelCore said. “We encourage all Hillsborough residents to save the date, Saturday May 25, for the annual Memorial Day Program.

“All township veterans are invited to participate in the Salute to Veterans breakfast, followed by the parade and garden of honor ceremony. Veterans can register for the breakfast by calling the Recreation Department or visiting the Parks and Recreation website and follow the ‘Register for Activities’ link on their homepage,” Mayor DelCore said.

Mayor DelCore also reported that the municipality also created an opportunity for non-profit and youth based organizations to participate in the parade.

Residents who are a part of a non-profit or youth based community organization wishing to participate in the parade are invited to register online through the  Hillsborough Township Parks and Recreation website.