South River approves shared service agreement with school board for police in schools

SOUTH RIVER–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing a shared services agreement with the Board of Education to split costs for placing officers at each school in South River.

The council approved the resolution regarding Class III police officers on April 22. Borough Administrator Art Londensky said this agreement is necessary because two different entities are sharing the placement and expenses.

Londensky said the borough and the board have agreed to 50% of the costs each for training and placing Class III police officers at each of the borough’s public schools.

Police Chief Mark Tinitigan recommended last year that Class III officers be hired and placed at the front door of each school. The Class III officers are trained by the police department and work under the umbrella of the police department, according to Tinitigan.

Londensky said currently Class III police officers are assigned at each school.

The term of this agreement is from July 1 of this year through June 30, 2020, and will be subject to renewal/extension by consent of the borough and board.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].