Bordentown honors national champion 2005 high school track team

A performance in 2005 that produced a national championship in track and field was remembered this week at a Bordentown Township Committee meeting.

Bordentown Township Mayor Stephen Benowitz dedicated a portion of a committee meeting on May 6 to recognize the famed athletes.

Benowitz introduced a proclamation that honored the Bordentown Regional High School track and field team that competed in the Nike Outdoor Sprint Medley Relay Nationals in 2005 in North Carolina.

“These fine athletes have been recognized for their stellar athletic achievements by being nominated and then formally inducted into the Bordentown Regional High School Hall of Fame on April 27,” Benowitz said.

“This is a big, big honor,” Benowitz declared.

The team members who participated in the nationals in 2005 were Marvin Carter, Freddie Mendenhall Jr., Daniel Millan, Rob Novak and Michael Steffen. The coaches who attended the event were Charles Miller and Tony Haneman and the team manager Colin Batchelor.

At the 2005 national event that was held in Greensboro, the sprint medley team won the national championship by finishing first while the 4×400-meter medley team placed 10th after a second place in the heat.

During the sprint medley relay, Novak’s 1.48.6 split time on the anchor leg brought Bordentown from sixth place to first place when they won in a time of 3:24.19.

The mayor completed the runners and their sportsmanship and athletic abilities and commended their achievements of the highest level of excellence.