Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe holds vigil for victims in Poway

MONROE – A packed crowd of more than 80 people filled the sanctuary of the Chabad Jewish Center of Monroe on May 1 for an impromptu memorial vigil dubbed “Solidarity, Unity, Prayer and Resolve.”
After introductory words of inspiration from Rabbi Eliezer Zaklikovsky, Monroe Mayor Gerald Tamburro said, “I will do all in my power to fight anti-Semitism, and secure the towns houses of worship, especially in the coming weeks,” according to information provided by the rabbi.
Chanie Zaklikovsky introduced congregant Manny Strumpf, who shared his own stories of being a victim of anti semitism during his service in the Korean War.
Monroe Councilwoman Miriam Cohen shared the importance of charity and giving to strengthen each other.
Alisa Hadassah President Tiby Lapkin lit a memorial candle in memory of Lori Kaye who was murdered at the Chabad of Poway in California on the last day of Passover. The crowd then viewed a televised message from Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, director of Poway Chabad, inspiring people to stay strong and fill synagogues.
Eliezer Zaklikovsky shared a positive “answer to hate by increasing light” message, and concluded with the El Male memorial prayer, followed by the song “Hashem is here, Hashem is there” and “Am Yisroel Chai.”