Around Cranbury

Health and Wellness Fair

Just reminder for residents this weekend is the inaugural Health and Wellness Fair, which is organized by the Municipal Alliance, will take place on May 18 from 12-3 p.m.

The fair will be inside the Cranbury School, which is located on 23 N. Main St.

The fair will include music, an inflatable climbing wall, Wellness on Wheels cooking lessons, fitness demonstrations, healthy snacks, local farmers and a colorful fun run, according to officials.

The day will also feature Health and Wellness hikes organized by Boy Scout Troop 52 in Cranbury.

Troop 52 will offer 1 and 2-mile guided hikes to introduce residents of Cranbury to the West Property. Walks will be offered on the Eagle Scout Trail and to the dam on the preserve. Scouts will point out the numerous Eagle projects along the hike such as the Eagle Trail, 100 sprint track, Multi Throws facility and tree plantings.

Prior to the day of the Health and Wellness Fair on May 17, there had been a walk to school kickoff with Mayor James Taylor, Police Chief Rickey Varga and Cranbury School Principal Susan Genco.

The kickoff event took place at 8 a.m. and the walk began from the Fire House that is located  at 2 S. Main St.

The Cranbury School

The Cranbury School has announced that Physical Education and Health teacher Cathy Elliott is the 2019 Cranbury School Teacher of the Year.

According to school officials, the Teacher of the Year program is based on the premise that teaching excellence is one of the most significant factors impacting student achievement and the quality of public schools.

The school will also be holding their Grade 5 informative parent orientation session on May 20.

The session will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Large Group Room at the Cranbury School, which is located on 23 N .Main St.

According to school officials, this orientation is designed to provide parents with information regarding programs and activities that are available to sixth grade students. An overview of the middle school schedule and academic program will also going to be shared and discussed during the meeting.

Cranbury Lions Club

The Cranbury Lions Club is holding a spring raffle after the Memorial Day Parade.

The raffle tickets are going for $5 and help the Cranbury Lions help the community, according to club officials.

The raffle drawing will take place following the post-Memorial Day parade ceremony in Memorial Park.

Officials said tickets will stay available until the end of the parade on May 27.

For raffle tickets, email [email protected].