Millstone Township officials oppose calls to make New Jersey a sanctuary state

MILLSTONE – Township Committee members have declared that Millstone Township is opposed to policies that would make New Jersey a sanctuary state for illegal immigrants.

In a May 15 resolution, municipal officials assert that Gov. Phil Murphy and the New Jersey Legislature have said New Jersey should become a sanctuary state, which means the state would welcome illegal immigrants.

The resolution asserts that municipalities in New Jersey and throughout the United States have declared they are sanctuary cities and it states that Murphy and the Legislature have enacted legislation providing benefits to illegal immigrants

According to the resolution, the Township Committee opposes New Jersey becoming a sanctuary state. It asserts that New Jersey has some of the highest property taxes in the nation and that state officials should be more concerned with reducing spending and property taxes for New Jersey’s legal residents and taxpayers.

The resolution states that sanctuary policies are harmful to the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Millstone Township for numerous reasons, including undermining law enforcement, encouraging violations of federal immigration law, and jeopardizing receipt of meaningful federal funding.

“The Township Committee shall continue to put the needs of the residents of Millstone Township first, thereby determining that Millstone Township shall never be a sanctuary city,” the resolution reads. “The Township Committee urges Gov. Phil Murphy and the New Jersey Legislature to re-evaluate their position with regard to New Jersey becoming a sanctuary state.”

Municipal officials called on state officials to focus on the health, safety and general welfare of New Jersey residents and taxpayers. They said all local, state and federal laws will be strictly enforced and that the residents of Millstone Township will be their primary concern.

After committee members passed the resolution, Committeeman Gary Dorfman spoke about a meeting he attended with New Jersey Commissioner of Education Lamont Repollet regarding reductions in state aid to the Millstone Township K-8 School District.

He told his fellow committee members the state budget has allocated $3.5 million for college education for illegal immigrants.

“I’m happy this governing body is speaking in opposition to those types of activities,” Dorfman said. “Think about it like this: Would it be advantageous for our kids going to college to renounce their citizenship, then run back across the border and get free tuition on the state? I don’t think that’s a good move. I’d like to thank this governing body for supporting the opposition to a sanctuary state.”

Mayor Fiore Masci, who said his parents immigrated to the United States legally, emphasized that the committee is not opposed to immigration, but believes in the importance of people becoming American citizens when they enter the country.

“There is nobody on this dais who doesn’t believe we want people to come here and take advantage of the opportunity that is offered to them,” Masci said. “However, we are saying do it the right way, like my parents. My mother couldn’t come here the first time because she had a cold. That’s all we’re asking. Come here legally and the opportunities abound.”

Business Administrator Roger Staib said his parents immigrated legally to the United States “and it was one of the proudest moments in their lives when they became American citizens. They stood by that until they passed away.”