Letter to the Editor: Another successful book fair in the books

To the Editor:

The Friends of the Princeton Public Library held another successful Annual Book Sale May 10-12, and we were delighted to welcome booklovers from near and far. All the proceeds raised will help to expand the selection of books and other media in the library collections.

This event depends on the dedication and collaboration of many people. We would like to thank our colleagues and Friends at Princeton Public Library, and our wonderful volunteers who worked for months sorting and pricing thousands of books in preparation for the Sale, and worked so tirelessly throughout the weekend.

Lastly, we would like to thank the Princeton community who generously provide us with book donations all year, and support our Book Store and Sales as loyal customers. To find out more about the Book Store and donating books, please go to www.princetonlibrary.org/booksales and check the website for details of our next Sale.

Claire Bertrand & Jane Nieman
Co-Chairs of the Friends of the Princeton Public Library Annual Book Sale