East Windsor and Hightstown primary elections to be held June 4

East Windsor Township and Hightstown Borough voters will go to the polls on June 4 to nominate candidates for an array of elected offices in the Democratic and Republican party primaries.

The polling locations will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The winners will square off in the Nov. 5 general election.

In East Windsor Township, incumbent Township Council members Janice S. Mironov, Marc Lippman, Peter Yeager and John Zoller, who are all Democrats, are running unopposed for their party’s nod to run for East Windsor Township Council.

Likewise, the Republican Party candidates for East Windsor Township Council – Paul K. Hummel Jr., Anna Lustenberg, Vincent Stottlemeyer and Steven Uccio – are running unopposed for their party’s nomination.

Incumbent Hightstown Borough Council members Joshua Jackson and Steven Misiura, both Democrats, are running unopposed for their party’s nod to seek two seats on the governing body.

Incumbent Hightstown Borough Council member Patricia Egan is seeking Republican Party voters’ approval to run for a full term on the council. Egan was appointed to fill out an unexpired term through December 2019, and now wants to run for a full term. She will be running alone because no other Republican has filed for the second seat.

Joseph Cicalese, who is a Democrat, and James Eufemia, who is a Republican, are running for their parties’ nomination to run for an unexpired term on Hightstown Borough Council that ends in December 2020. Neither man is facing opposition in their respective party’s primary.

In the 14th Legislative District, incumbent Assembly members Wayne P. DeAngelo and Daniel R. Benson are running unopposed for the Democratic Party’s nomination, while Thomas Calabrese and Bina Shah want the Republican Party’s nod to run for the two Assembly seats.

Voters also will nominate candidates for Mercer County Executive and for the Mercer County Board of Chosen Freeholders.

Incumbent Mercer County Executive Brian Hughes is running unopposed for the Democratic Party nomination, and Lishian Lisa Wu is running unopposed in the Republican Party primary for its nomination.

Mercer County Freeholders Andrew Koontz and Nina Melker face no opposition in the Democratic Party primary for office. On the Republican Party side, no one signed up to run for the nomination for Freeholder.