Freehold Township planning for upgrades to water and sewer systems

FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP – Municipal officials are planning to appropriate $2.68 million to be used for capital improvements in Freehold Township.

On May 28, the Township Committee introduced a bond ordinance that, if adopted, will authorize the improvements. According to the ordinance, bonds or notes will finance all of the costs.

A public hearing on the bond ordinance is scheduled for June 25 and committee members may adopt the ordinance that evening.

Of the planned improvements, $1.99 million (the estimated amount of bonds or notes to be issued) will be appropriated for improvements to the municipal water system.

According to the ordinance, the remaining $691,000 (the estimated amount of bonds or notes to be issued) will be used for improvements to the municipal sewer system.

In other business, committee members awarded a $49,190 contract to A.C. Shultes Inc. for the Point Ivy water treatment test at Well No. 16. According to a resolution, A.C. Shultes was awarded the contract as the lowest bidder.

Other bids were submitted by Tiger Construction Service Corp., which bid $111,400, and Uni-Tech Drilling Co. Inc, which bid $88,788, according to the resolution.

And, committee members passed a resolution declaring acceptance and final payment of a contract that was awarded to Whirl Construction in 2018 for the installation of pavilions at Michael J. Tighe Park and Opatut Park, following the completion of the project. The resolution also authorizes a $1,675 increase in the original $92,600 contract to bring the total contract to $94,275.

The change order was due to the need for shingles at the pavilion at Opatut Park. With the completion of the project, $94,275 will be the final payment to Whirl Construction.