Hillsborough Township teams up with tech firm to help local businesses

Hillsborough Township municipality officials recently announced that a new online assistant is aimed to allow entrepreneurs, businesses and investors access to critical market research and guidance.

Township officials announced on May 30 that the municipality teamed up with award-winning technology firm Localintel to launch the Hillsborough Business & Investment Assistant that is planned to provide businesses, entrepreneurs and investors with online information and advice in an easy to use format in both English and Spanish.

“The Business & Investment Assistant provides businesses with access to valuable information and highlights the essential concepts required to ask the right questions, use data effectively and make better business decisions,” township mayor Frank DelCore said. “This will be a valuable resource for our business community and will make Hillsborough more attractive to outside companies.”

Officials said that the township is a “fierce advocate” for the local business community, and that the announcement is aimed to help remove barriers to economic success with the launch of this new digital tool.

According to the township, multiple businesses experience difficulty when looking for reliable market research and advice online.

As part of the municipality’s mission to support business growth and new investment, the township launched this new tool to make it easier for startups, investors and existing businesses to in areas such as: Research the Township’s business climate, customers, competitors and workforce; Find advice on how to start and grow their business; and connect with resources and organizations that can help them succeed.

“Last October the HBA website was relaunched showcasing a new Business Support page,” said township committeeman Shawn Lipani. “The Business Support feature promotes business development to the business community and welcomes prospective businesses to Hillsborough. The Hillsborough Business & Investment Assistant is the newest tool to be added and empowers the business community to utilize important data, typically expensive and hard to find for free.”

Officials said that data within the program will be routinely updated by Localintel to ensure users can rely on accurate, current information.

“Data is this century’s most valuable resource and the Business & Investment Assistant is a great example of how Hillsborough is harnessing it to strengthen the township’s economy and help the business community prosper,” said Dave Parsell, co-founder and CEO of Localintel.

For people interested in the online program, visit the Hillsborough Business & Investment Assistant at: http://www.hillsborough-nj.org/home/hba/business-support/.