Spotswood council accepts $2.5M grant for lake repairs

SPOTSWOOD–The Borough Council approved a resolution authorizing municipality officials to execute a $2.5 million grant contract with the state for the restoration of DeVoe Lake.

“Through the years, silt and sediment have built up to a level that allows the water foliage to grow at such a rate of speed the lake is overrun within months. It also limits the amount of water that can be retained, which ultimately affects the flood plain both up- and downstream,” Mayor Edward Seely said.

The council approved the resolution on June 5 during the council meeting.

“We are looking to dredge and clean the lake to its original depth. This will, in turn, help the flood plain as well as improve the aesthetics, also enhancing its recreational use,” Seely said. “The plans would be more involved cosmetically once the lake is cleaned up.”

Seely said the borough has not actually received these funds. The agency holding the funds and has set certain conditions and criteria which must be met first; these conditions include a complete plan, additional funds and preventive measures for the future.

The grant will come to the borough from the governor’s office and through the Department of Environmental Protection, according to Seely.

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Contact Vashti Harris at [email protected].