Letter to the Editor: Save Princeton Community TV

To the Editor:

At a time when funding for the humanities is under attack in Washington, I find it unimagineable the Princeton Council would decide to eliminate money that supports Princeton Community TV.

I live in East Windsor but have always looked to Princeton as the cultural capital of the area. I spend a lot of time there… at concerts, movies, the college, restaurants, shopping and just hanging around. I support the town with my tax dollars.

Princeton has been a town with progressive politics and I find it out of character the town can’t continue the good work of the TV station.

Because of my 50-year career in broadcast news, I was asked to do shows on the station. What are those shows? Most are about Princeton that benefits its residents and voters. If you watched one of the shows you would have learned about contra dancing held at the senior center. I recently went through the neighborhood taping real estate for a show I plan on the local housing market. In the works are shows on the Garden Theatre, Princeton athletics and others.

Supporting the station benefits the community in ways that can’t necessarily be measured by dollars and cents. It offers people thoughtful, informative, innovative shows that broaden one’s outlook on life. The best thing college did for me was broaden my horizons and that is what Princeton Community TV does.

Steven I Guggenheim
East Windsor