Eric Sucar

East Brunswick Library begins summer reading program

The East Brunswick Library is beginning another year of its summer reading program.

This year, East Brunswick joins other libraries nationwide in this year’s theme of “A Universe of Stories.” The goal is to encourage readers to explore other literary world and genres, learn new skills and become more involved in the community.

The library has several special programs planned throughout the summer. Each day the library offers several different storytime and craft projects for children. Teens can participate in a variety of STEM and computer coding classes offered in EB Create, the library’s makerspace.

The library is also hosting a Space Film Festival during July showing a variety of space-themed movies. These screenings are family friendly; all titles show will have ratings ranging from G through PG-13.

Also, the library is also holding special summer reading challenges for children, teens and adults. By reaching certain reading milestones and completing library-related tasks, readers will be eligible for several different prizes. These prizes are provided through the generosity of the East Brunswick Friends of the Library.

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