Fair Haven council takes first step toward banning single-use plastic products

FAIR HAVEN – Members of the Fair Haven Borough Council have introduced an ordinance that would, if adopted, limit the use of single-use plastic bags, foam containers and plastic straws by businesses in town.

A public hearing on the matter will be held at the council’s meeting on July 15. Residents may ask questions or comment on the ordinance at that time. The governing body may vote to adopt the ordinance following public comment.

On June 24, Councilwoman Jacqueline Rice, Councilwoman Susan A. Sorensen, Councilman Christopher Rodriguez and Councilwoman Elizabeth Koch voted “yes” on a motion to introduce the ordinance.

Council President Jonathan Peter and Councilman James Banahan were absent.

According to the ordinance, “The regulations are intended as necessary and proper steps by the borough to address a significant global problem relating to the sale and use of single-use plastic bags, polystyrene foam containers and plastic straws to further incentivize the use of reusable bags at businesses, protect the environment, wildlife, and the public health, welfare and safety.”

Pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, clothing stores, dry cleaners, food marts and food service establishments are among the types of businesses in Fair Haven that would be prohibited from distributing plastic bags, plastic straws and polystyrene containers to customers.

Businesses may use recyclable paper carry-out bags or a reusable bag made out of cloth or other washable fabric with handles specifically designed and manufactured for reuse, according to the ordinance.

Any business that violates the new law, if enacted, would be subject to a penalty of up to $500 for a first offense; up to $1,000 for a second offense; and up to $2,500 for a third offense. Excessive violations will constitute an additional offense, according to the ordinance.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, a small group of environmentally conscious individuals thanked officials for supporting what they described as an environmentally friendly initiative.

Laline Neff, who is a member of the environmental commission, thanked the council members for introducing an ordinance that would ban plastic bags, plastic straws and polystyrene containers from businesses in Fair Haven. Her young son and daughter also thanked the governing body and provided officials with environmental facts.