Letter to the Editor: Initiating a dialogue

To the Editor,

Recently, Monroe Township Mayor Gerald Tamburro leveled charges against Cranbury, insinuating that Cranbury was going to build warehouses on the border of Cranbury and Monroe Township.

Even though there was absolutely no proof anything was planned, Mayor Tamburro went on the attack anyway. Monroe Township, under the Democrats’ tutelage, has built housing right up to the border of Cranbury.

Cranbury Mayor Jay Taylor reached out to Mayor Tamburro to initiate a dialogue between the two municipalities, but Tamburro did not respond.

But, Monroe Township Councilman Charles Dipierro reached out to Mayor Taylor to meet and start a dialogue over the possible issues that could arise. They met on July 18.

The next day, Monroe Township Administrator Alan Weinberg sent Mayor Taylor a letter asking what had transpired at the July 18 meeting.

Mayor Taylor sent a detailed reply including items Cranbury would consider doing so any development would not negatively affect Monroe Township.

Monroe Township replied to Mayor Taylor’s sincerity and commitment to cooperation by having an attorney send an email directing Mayor Taylor to cease and desist any further dialogue with Councilman Dipierro, further stating that Mayor Tamburro “has no intention of bargaining in the backroom with you.”

The Monroe Township Democrats made land use decisions in the 1990s that are affecting Monroe today. Excessive residential construction has overcrowded the schools and caused taxes to skyrocket.

At the same time, Cranbury opted for commercial development. While more trailers are being added to Monroe Township schools, property taxes in Cranbury are dropping by an average of $640 per home.

So, Mayor Taylor offers an olive branch to Mayor Tamburro to smooth over land use issues Monroe Township created; Mayor Tamburro responds by threatening Mayor Taylor.

You would think that Mayor Tamburro, as a Master Plan Committee member, a Planning Board member, a council president and mayor, would have finally learned to own up to his deficiencies, but some people are incapable of learning, regardless of their “experience.”

Susan Calabrese
Monroe Township