National Night Out highlights the sense of community in Hopewell Township

In Hopewell Township, National Night Out brings community residents and officials together.

The 2019 annual event allows for the community to interact with and learn about the police department, municipal employees and local volunteers in town.

“We will be joined by our first responder partners who include Hopewell Valley Emergency Services, the Pennington Fire Company, the Pennington First Aid Squad, the Hopewell Fire
Department and the Union Fire Company and Rescue Squad,” Hopewell Township Police Chief Lance Maloney said. “Our Department of Public Works and our Health Department will also be participating along with other community groups.”

The event is taking place on Aug. 6 at Stony Brook Elementary School in Pennington.

“Hamburgers, hot dogs, watermelon, desserts, snow cones and cotton candy will be served, free of charge. DJ Bobby Jones will be providing the music entertainment,” Maloney said.

National Night Out is from 6-8 p.m. and hosted by the Hopewell Township Police Department and Hopewell Township Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (PBA) 342, according to officials.

“We would like to thank the Hopewell Township Committee, the Hopewell Valley Regional School District and the Pennington Quality Market for their support of this annual event,” Maloney said. “We hope to see [everyone] there.”