Howell bond ordinance would fund improvements

HOWELL – The Howell Township Council will hold public hearings at its meeting on Sept. 10 regarding two bond ordinances.

Deputy Mayor Evelyn O’Donnell, Councilman John Bonevich, Councilwoman Pamela Richmond and Councilman Thomas Russo voted “yes” on motions to introduce the ordinances at the Aug. 13 meeting. Mayor Theresa Berger was absent.

The first ordinance appropriates $4.7 million for general capital improvements. The appropriation includes $66,000 from Howell’s open space trust fund and a $235,000 down payment.

Work authorized by the ordinance includes improvements to township buildings (tile replacement and a message board sign for town hall). The ordinance will also fund the acquisition of mowers and various road improvements.

The second ordinance that was introduced appropriates $350,000 from Howell’s capital improvement fund to pay for the rehabilitation of the Ardena pump station.

At the same meeting, council members introduced an ordinance amending the salary range for the assistant finance officer. The ordinance would, if adopted, increase the maximum salary for the position from $65,867 to $68,000.