Hazlet officials adopt bond ordinance to fund capital improvements

A bond ordinance appropriating $6.22 million for capital improvements in Hazlet has been adopted by the Hazlet Township Committee.

On Aug. 20, Mayor Scott Aagre, Deputy Mayor Michael Glackin, committeewoman Tara Corcoran-Clark and committeeman Michael Sachs voted to appropriate funds to improve roads, make renovations to public buildings, acquire vehicles and equipment, and remove underground storage tanks.

Committeeman James McKay was absent and did not vote.

Bonds or notes totaling $5.91 million are expected to be issued to fund the improvements and Hazlet officials expect to make a $311,250 down payment, according to the ordinance.

The capital improvements outlined in the ordinance are as follows:

• Road improvements, which include but are not limited to Dartmouth Drive, Cornell Drive, Duke Lane, Georgetown Lane, Colgate Court and Fleetwood Drive, $3 million;

• Renovations to Hazlet Police Department headquarters, $2.175 million;

• Acquisition of sport utility vehicles and mobile video recorder in-car cameras and body cameras for the Hazlet Police Department, $575,000;

• Acquisition of a brine application system, $75,000;

• Removal of underground storage tanks and closure of the fuel depot, $100,000;

• Acquisition of a truck for the Department of Public Works, $300,000.