Strategic action plan, focus on whole child among school district goals in Monroe

MONROE – In her first set of district goals at the helm of the Monroe Township School District, Schools Superintendent Dori L. Alvich will work on creating a strategic action plan, addressing student growth, focusing on the whole child, and improving communication between the Board of Education and administration.

Alvich, who became the first female superintendent in the history of the Monroe Township School District on July 1, discussed the goals with board members at a meeting on Sept. 4.

“We haven’t worked on a strategic plan for a number of years,” Alvich said. “As I shared with the board during my interview process, I would like to propose to go through another strategic action planning process, look at our vision … is it still what we want it to be?”

Alvich said the entire community will be involved in developing the strategic action plan of long-term goals.

Another goal, which Alvich began working on as assistant superintendent last year with the behavioral support team, is the focus on the whole child, providing resources to address social, emotional needs of students and providing professional development for staff and cultural awareness throughout the district.

Through a four-tier approach, the team created parent nights; a protocol to address social, emotional needs of students; and professional development courses to make sure teachers/staff are able to handle situations and teach students social, emotional awareness in the classroom.

“We did a lot in a year, but not nearly where we want to be,” she said.

Alvich said some 50 staff members across the district are interested in joining the team to help expand the focus not only on the well-being of the students, but also the well-being of entire staff and parent education.

Another goal includes working with the community to develop a referendum project using the latest enrollment projects to address student growth.

“I know this is an issue we have been working on for years and we have not met this goal,” she said. “I think its something we should continue to consider.”

The board also agreed on a goal to improve communication among board members and the school administration.