Letter to the Editor: Reelect Mayor Frank DelCore

To the Editor,

I would like to urge my fellow residents to support Mayor Frank DelCore for reelection for Hillsborough Township on Nov. 5.

As a long-time resident of Hillsborough, I’ve seen many local leaders come and go. Regardless of the party, they usually want what is best for Hillsborough and its residents. But they have not always had the expertise, knowledge or experience to make the right decisions at the right time.

With his corporate background, knowledge of financial matters and proven experience in local government, Frank DelCore has consistently shown strong leadership with no personal agenda, other than doing the right thing for the town who have met him or dealt with him over the years. They can attest that his character is perhaps his strongest attribute.

With many challenges that Hillsborough faces to keep it a great place to live, a combination of expertise, experience and character is something we can not afford to lose.

Please join me in reelecting Mayor Frank DelCore on Nov. 5.

Frank Herbert