HILLSBOROUGH: Shuttle buses arranged for Merdinger memorial service

Township officials have arranged shuttle buses to memorial services tomorrow, Saturday, Jan. 30, for former mayor and township administrator Michael Merdinger, who died Jan. 18 at the age of 67.
Starting at 10 a.m. people can park in the parking area on the Beekman Lane side of the township municipal building, which also fronts on South Branch Road, and ride the bus to the South Branch Reformed Church for the 11 a.m. service. Parking will be very limited at the church.
Valcheck Transportation will run the shuttle as a service, said township officials.
For 40 years, Mr. Merdinger was acting at the center of township life, particularly his Flagtown village.
Mr. Merdinger served as township administrator for 19 months before retiring in the summer of 2012.
Mr. Merdinger was a Rotary Club member for 36 years, and the Flagtown fire company for nearly 40. He has served on many township boards, including four years on the Township Committee, serving as mayor in 1984. His service on the library board lasted more than 20 years, as did his tenure on the municipal utilities authority.