HOPEWELL VALLEY: Wolff to lead county school boards association

Hopewell Valley Regional Board of Education President Lisa Wolff has been elected president of the Mercer County School Boards Association.
Ms. Wolff, who has served as a member of the Hopewell Valley Regional board for nearly seven years, and as its president for almost five years, was elected on Jan. 21. She most recently served as the group’s vice president for legislation.
Jo Ann Groeger, of the Lawrence Township Board of Education, was elected as vice president, and Christopher Scales, of Hamilton Township, was elected vice president for legislation.
The officers were sworn in by Assemblywoman Elizabeth Maher Muoio of District 15.
The county association is comprised of local public school boards. Its goal is to enhance the skills and knowledge of local board members, to serve as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas and to expedite and initiate action.
Training and discussion in the past year have focused on such topics as academic standards, special education, labor relations and legislation.
‘I have enjoyed serving my community as a board member,” said Ms. Wolff. “I hope to make an even stronger impact advocating for public education as president of the Mercer County School Boards Association. I am pleased to be working closely with strong board members from neighboring districts.” 